If you spend extended time behind your office desk, you will likely experience back pain, neck pain, or both. Most people think that only those individuals who perform manual labor are susceptible to these pains, hardly thinking that sitting in the wrong posture or for long hours isn’t good. Sitting on the wrong chair can stress your spine. An orthopedic office chair can alleviate this stress and pain and prevent you from experiencing it.
An orthopedic office chair is different from other seats in many aspects. It has a height adjustment feature, backrest angle adjustment, adjustable lumbar support, and adjustable armrests. Unlike your usual typist chair, these chairs are known for their stable case with casters and a contoured backrest that takes the shape of your back when you sit on it.
These features differentiate it from your traditional typist chair, and sitting on one provides rest to your body structure. Here are ten reasons to invest in this office addition.
10. Supports posture
Your body posture may change after sitting for long hours in the office. If you sit in a regular chair without basic ergonomics, you should worry about this. When using such a chair, your back tends to lean forward because it may not be the right height.
An orthopedic office chair can fix this issue. This chair has a full-length design and supports your natural posture throughout the day, so you won’t have to worry like you would with a regular chair.
9. It is adjustable
The type of office furniture you have should be able to meet the needs of every individual in the office. When purchasing office furniture, bear in mind that employees and visitors come in varying shapes and sizes. An orthopedic office chair is an excellent addition, given that it is adjustable to fit the needs of any individual.
These seats have vital adjustments such as seat depth and height, adjustable armrests, and back recline. Do not forget to ask for the manufacturer’s manual on configuring the seat to your desired specifications. Most ordinary seats lack these adjustments, making the orthopedic office chair mightier.
8. Enhance blood circulation
Sitting for long can increase one’s chances of depression. Not only that but your risk for heart disease, back pain, and poor blood circulation are heightened. It’s advisable to watch how long you sit, and it is essential to vary your position every half an hour or so. Heart experts say that any movement that can raise one’s metabolic rate above the usual stationary resting rate, in this case, sitting, can benefit your heart health profoundly. An office ergonomic chair, therefore, can help decrease your chances of getting scary heart diseases.
7. Enhances productivity
You can’t perform optimally when you are uncomfortable. Sitting in the wrong posture can impede your productivity. When you compare the two chairs, a standard office recliner seat, and an orthopedic office chair, in terms of comfort, you realize the latter offers more comfort; you can remain seated all day.
With this seat, you do not have to add more cushions behind your back. You will spend less or no time fighting with your office furniture to get the proper posture or become comfortable. Instead, you will focus on your job and be surprised by how time passes. Choose one, and you will be able to focus your attention and energy on your work.
6. Reduces hip pressure
The knee and hip joints bear a lot of weight in the body. Your hips allow you to do many things, like walking, sitting, and standing. They also allow you to stand with your weight well distributed. You can strain your hips without knowing it, such as when you sit on a basic office chair, primarily when it does not correctly support the weight of your body.
A good office chair must have a seat slide. This feature allows you to choose between a deeper and a shallow seat surface area. Adjusting the depth gives your thighs the proper support, easing pressure off your hips.
5. Reduced pain
When you ask most office workers who sit for extended hours, they will complain of either lower back or neck pain. Some complain of both. But, most of those who complain often sit on regular office chairs. These problems are fewer, if any, among workers who use orthopedic office chairs.
The design of your ordinary chair does not allow you to sit for long hours, and if you insist, you will face the repercussions—back and neck pain due to poor posture. You need a chair that guarantees better relaxation and reduced back pain. An orthopedic office chair supports the crucial pain points.
4. Tasted for safety
The vast features of an orthopedic office chair give it a competitive edge over your usual office chair. The features are systematic and scientifically added to these chairs to provide the comfort and health benefits they offer. Alot of technical detail goes into making the chairs, and not a single orthopaedic chair can be released to the market without first undergoing crucial tests. Unlike your standard office chair, choose this one because by the moment it comes to you, it must undergo a test and be proven to comply with various certifications your regular chair might not have undergone.
3. Employee satisfaction
Is your team comfortable? Then it is satisfied. This chair offers no room for discomfort. You will notice declining absenteeism when you add them to your office. Your workers will focus on learning and service delivery. They will be geared to growth and not spending time on trivial issues.
2. Less worker compensation cost
When you have poor office furniture or uncomfortable chairs, your workers will become less comfortable with time and often request permission to be off work. It is common for them to, for instance, request sick leave. Frequent absenteeism dents your output. It adds to your operating cost to get issues solved. In the long run, you can save these costs with an office orthopedic chair.
1. Long-term use
When you invest in an orthopedic office chair, you will certainly not be making recurrent purchases as you would with regular chairs or furniture. The seats are professionally made and tested and will last longer than your usual office chairs.
The reasons for investing in an orthopedic office chair can go on and on, but one thing stands out. They are better and more beneficial than your regular office chair. With them, you no longer have to tolerate the harmful effects of the traditional office chairs and desks. Buy orthopedic office chairs today from Kenty Furnitures Kenya, as when you do so, you are investing in your health. Our products have stood the test of time.